Special offers

Hotel La Fenice et des Artistes | Venice | Book in advance and save!

Book in advance and save!

The sooner you book the better rate you get
from 119

Book 30 days in advance:

  • you'll save the 20% if you choose a Free Cancellation rate
  • you'll save the 25% in you choose a Non-refundable rate

Don't miss this opportunity!

Right in the centre.
Convenient for water buses, in a small quiet square in the heart of the city.
Hotel La Fenice et des Artistes | Venice | 3 reasons to stay with us - 1
The home of art and artists in Venice for more than 100 years.
Hotel La Fenice et des Artistes | Venice | 3 reasons to stay with us - 2
For you.
You can book your room and all tickets for transport, museums and attractions with a click.
Hotel La Fenice et des Artistes | Venice | 3 reasons to stay with us - 3