Best price guaranteed
Here are some of the reasons it’s worth booking through our Official Site:
Best price and rates exclusive to our website
We guarantee you won't find lower prices on any other website.
Availability in real time
Updated room availability and immediate confirmation of booking.
Secure payments
We use the highest possible on-line security standards.
Privacy Policy
We take great care over the privacy of your personal data.
Booking confirmation by e-mail / text
You will receive an e-mail confirming your booking and if you want, you can also ask for a confirmation text to your mobile phone.
Booking cancellation
If you want to cancel your booking, you can do so on-line by clicking on the link in the e-mail confirming your stay. When your booking has been cancelled, you will receive an e-mail confirming successful cancellation.
Please check our Cancellation Policy and the booking details to verify how and when to cancel the booking without incurring a penalty and to check there are no restrictions on cancelling your specific booking.
If you cannot find your confirmation e-mail, please contact us directly.
Modifying your stay
If you want to change the dates or other details of your stay, contact us by telephone or e-mail.